This is Johnnie,


a Joyful programmer.

Hey there!

I'm a site reliability engineer who loves to code in Python, Javascript, and sometimes C#. When I'm not banging my head on the keyboard coding for platform infrastructure, I enjoy working on frontend UI and making CGI. Here's a little something I'm currently working on - can't wait to show you!

Full Stack Web Development



An eCommerce website selling unicorn related merchandise. Mo MoNicorn Shop is built with React and React-Bootstrap for frontend rendering. Backend server is built with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB Altas

*App deployed on Heroku free-tier containers will sleep due to inactivity, it will need few seconds to boot up.

Mo-Nicorn Shop mobile phone mock up

Embedded JavaScript templating

A social platfrom designed for service provider and freelancer to post their ads. Service Mo.Co. is built with EJS and Bootstrap for frontend rendering. Backend server is built with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB Altas

*App deployed on Heroku free-tier containers will sleep due to inactivity, it will need few seconds to boot up.

Mo.Co. Service mobile phone mock up

Computer graphics & visual effects



I came across Blender while searching for a quick video editing software. It certainly did the job, but also opened up a whole new world for me to explore.

Low Poly Modeling

Blender became my virtual play ground. Every now and then, I fires up my bledner projects, grab those little guys, place them into different backdorps, post them and take pictures...

Blender LowPolyModeling
Blender LowPolyModeling
Blender LowPolyModeling

Camera Projection - Still photo animation

This picture was taken on a road trip to San Simeon California. Perfect weather on that day, the sunlight was brilliant. Makes me want to jump right back into it. This animation just did the trick!

CGI with Camera Motion Tracking

Making this tiny guy came alive and wondering around my workbench truly made my day!



Unity engine gave me a first glance of how fun and engaging of game development can be. Coding the character's behavior is as exciting as play the game itself. Each problem being solved is a XP Gained!

Mini Game Development

Reusing the characters created from Blender, import them into Unity, add some character controllers and a cinemachine camera. Wola! Teddy can now throw some punches.


Miniature house

I build all kinds of miniature houses and wooden ship models during my leisure time. I always enjoy the process of creation and assembly. The satisfaction of completing a project makes me crave for more to build.

Blender LowPolyModeling
Blender LowPolyModeling
Blender LowPolyModeling

JCA Certified Artist

I am a certified candle artist of the Japanese Candle Association (JCA). I studied the characteristics of different types of wax, using precise temperature control of wax pouring and color mixing to create some unique design artisan candles.

JCA Candle artist - Rubik's Cube Candle
JCA Candle artist - Marble Pillar Candle
JCA Candle artist - Marble Globe Candle

Get In Touch

I am open to work collaboration and freelance!